In Deference to Crisis, a New Obsession Sweeps Japan: Self-Restraint
TOKYO — Even in a country whose people are known for walking in lockstep, a national consensus on the proper code of behavior has emerged with startling speed. Consider post-tsunami Japan as the age of voluntary self-restraint, or jishuku, the antipode of the Japan of the “bubble” era that celebrated excess.
With hundreds of thousands of people displaced up north from the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis, anything with the barest hint of luxury invites condemnation. There were only general calls for conservation, but within days of the March 11 quake, Japanese of all stripes began turning off lights, elevators, heaters and even toilet seat warmers.

NYTimes では日本の自粛についての懸念が取りざたされています。

単語紹介 lockstep (walk in lockstepで足並みをそろえて歩く、という意味があります)
Startling speed   すざまじい速さで
A hint of   わずかな兆候
Condemnation 非難
